Please be sure that Dr. George Knapp is the patient’s designated Primary Care Provider (PCP).
Provide all health insurance identification cards at each visit.
Co-payments and deductibles are due at the time of your visit.
Fees not covered by Insurance company, patient’s responsibility:
No show or appointments cancelled without 24 hours notice (business days).
Returned check fee.
Filling out forms such as FMLA, Short Term Disability, Physicians Statements, Handicapped Parking, etc.
Account balances not paid day of service will be charged a billing fee and after each 30-day billing cycle.
Services provided at visit that are denied by insurance company.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2025 — A non-refundable Annual Fee of $50 per year, subject to change.
Insurance companies are requiring us to prior authorize many drugs especially Diabetic, Weight Loss and Cholesterol meds. We then have to periodically re-authorize medication to verify their effectiveness. The same applies to certain Radiology and Cardiology tests. Charges of $35 for each Prior Authorization and each Re-authorization. Any denials that you want us to appeal will be charged a minimum of $75 per Appeal.