Please Read: To All McGregor Medical Patients
As a result of fee cuts in Medicare payments to physicians over the last few years and an additional cut of 2.8% for the coming year, we are instituting a non-refundable membership fee of $50 per year, subject to change. All other insurances base their fees on the Medicare fee schedule and will also reduce their fees.
Fee-for-service payments under the Medicare program are determined by multiplying the Relative Value Units (RVUs) for work, practice expense and malpractice for a given service by the fee schedule conversion factor. These values are then adjusted based on Geographic Practice Cost Indices (GPCIs). Center for Medicare Services (CMS) proposes a conversion factor of $32.3562, which reflects a nearly 2.8% reduction in payment across the fee schedule, from CY2024
Insurance companies are requiring us to prior authorize many drugs especially Diabetic, Weight Loss and Cholesterol meds. We then have to periodically re-authorize medication to verify their effectiveness. The same applies to certain Radiology and Cardiology tests as well. This has put an incredible burden on our staff and doctors navigating multiple forms and speaking with their representatives. It has become so burdensome that it now requires a full time person just to manage these tasks. As a result we will be charging $35 for each Prior Authorization and each Re-authorization. Any denials that you want to appeal will be charged a minimum of $75 per Appeal.
We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction.